J Tradit Complem Med, December 2023
Journal of Traditional Medical Complementary Therapies
Special Topics: Cupping Therapy – 2021
Release Date: 8 December 2023


The special issue on Cupping Therapy for the Journal of Traditional Medical Complementary Therapies (J Tradit Complem Med) released via the Turkiye Klinikleri platform on 8 December 2023. In addition, the scientific articles published in the journal are also available in pdf format.


Journal of Traditional Medical Complementary Therapies About Journal

Journal of Traditional Medical Complementary Therapies is a (double-blinded, peer-rewieved) journal covering topics such as acupuncture, apperapy, nutrition, phytotherapy, hypnosis, hirudotherapy, homeropathy, karyopractic, cupping, mesotherapy, music therapy, neural therapy, osteopathy, ozone, prolotherapy and reflexology.

The editorial and publication processes of the journal are conducted in accordance with the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), the Council of Science Editors (CSE), the European Association of Science Editors (EASE), the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Open Access: Content of Journal of Traditional Medical Complementary is accessable via the Internet with no-cost by every researcher.
Content of Journal of Traditional Medical Complementary doesn’t demand any fee for article submission and processing.

Journal of Traditional Medical Complementary doesn’t demand any fee for article submission and processing.
All procedures regarding Turkiye Klinikleri publications are online. Turkiye Klinikleri web site can be reached through www.turkiyeklinikleri.com, all transactions can be made with a “username and password”.

Info about the J Tradit Complem Med:

Publication: Journal of Traditional Medical Complementary Therapies
e-ISSN 2630-6425
Period: Tri-annual
Year: 2023
Issue: Special Topics: “Cupping Therapy
Release Date: 8 December 2023