by mardin75 | Dec 15, 2023 | Acupuncture, Apitherapy, aromatherapy, Conferences & Seminars, Courses, Cupping Therapy, Hirudotherapy, Holistic Approach, Holistic Medicine, Homeopathy, Hypnosis, İntegrative Medicine, Kupa Terapi, Maggot Therapy, Mesotherapy, Music Therapy, News, Osteopathy, ozone therapy, Prolotherapy, Reflexology, TCM, TCM Courses, Traditional and Complementary Medicine
BATD, December 2023Journal of Integrative and Anatolian MedicineVolume: 4 Issue: 4Release Date: 15 December 2023 The new issue for the Journal of Integrative and Anatolian Medicine (BATD) released via the DergiPark platform on 15 December 2023. In addition, the...
by mardin75 | Dec 8, 2023 | Acupuncture, Apitherapy, aromatherapy, Autohemotherapy, Chiropractic, Conferences & Seminars, Courses, Cupping Therapy, Hirudotherapy, Holistic Approach, Holistic Medicine, Homeopathy, Hypnosis, İntegrative Medicine, Maggot Therapy, Mesotherapy, Music Therapy, News, Osteopathy, ozone therapy, Prolotherapy, Reflexology, TCM, TCM Courses, Traditional and Complementary Medicine
J Tradit Complem Med, December 2023Journal of Traditional Medical Complementary TherapiesSpecial Topics: Cupping Therapy – 2021Release Date: 8 December 2023 The special issue on Cupping Therapy for the Journal of Traditional Medical Complementary Therapies (J...
by mardin75 | Nov 20, 2023 | Acupuncture, Apitherapy, aromatherapy, Autohemotherapy, Chiropractic, Conferences & Seminars, Courses, Cupping Therapy, Hirudotherapy, Holistic Approach, Holistic Medicine, Homeopathy, Hypnosis, İntegrative Medicine, Maggot Therapy, Mesotherapy, Music Therapy, News, Osteopathy, ozone therapy, Prolotherapy, Reflexology, TCM, TCM Courses, Traditional and Complementary Medicine
J Tradit Complem Med, November 2023Journal of Traditional Medical Complementary TherapiesVolume: 6 Issue: 3Release Date: 20 November 2023 The new issue for the Journal of Traditional Medical Complementary Therapies (J Tradit Complem Med) released via the...
by mardin75 | Oct 25, 2023 | Acupuncture, Apitherapy, aromatherapy, Autohemotherapy, Chiropractic, Conferences & Seminars, Courses, Cupping Therapy, Hirudotherapy, Holistic Approach, Holistic Medicine, Homeopathy, Hypnosis, İntegrative Medicine, Kayropraktik, Maggot Therapy, Mesotherapy, Music Therapy, News, Osteopathy, ozone therapy, Prolotherapy, Reflexology, TCM, TCM Courses, Traditional and Complementary Medicine
BSHR, October 2023Journal of Biotechnology and Strategic Health ResearchSpecial Issue: Vaccine TechnologiesRelease Date: 25 October 2023 The new issue for the Journal of Biotechnology and Strategic Health Research (BSHR) released via the DergiPark platform on 25...
by mardin75 | Aug 30, 2023 | Acupuncture, Apitherapy, aromatherapy, Autohemotherapy, Chiropractic, Conferences & Seminars, Courses, Cupping Therapy, Hirudotherapy, Holistic Approach, Holistic Medicine, Homeopathy, Hypnosis, İntegrative Medicine, Maggot Therapy, Mesotherapy, Music Therapy, News, Osteopathy, ozone therapy, Prolotherapy, Reflexology, TCM, TCM Courses, Traditional and Complementary Medicine
BSHR, August 2023Journal of Biotechnology and Strategic Health ResearchVolume: 7 Issue: 2Release Date: 30 August 2023 The new issue for the Journal of Biotechnology and Strategic Health Research (BSHR) released via the DergiPark platform on 30 August 2023. In...
by mardin75 | Aug 28, 2023 | Acupuncture, Apitherapy, aromatherapy, Autohemotherapy, Conferences & Seminars, Courses, Cupping Therapy, Hirudotherapy, Holistic Approach, Holistic Medicine, Homeopathy, Hypnosis, İntegrative Medicine, Maggot Therapy, Mesotherapy, Music Therapy, News, Osteopathy, ozone therapy, Prolotherapy, Reflexology, TCM, TCM Courses, Traditional and Complementary Medicine
IJTCMR, August 2023International Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine ResearchVolume: 4 Issue: 2Release Date: 28 August 2023 The new issue for the International Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine Research (IJTCMR) released via...